The doble life of Veronique by Kieślowski I put it in the first place for the poetry of the scene with rag dolls, puppets that are moved with sticks by the
great American marionette artist, sculptor and mime Bruce Schwartz. Here you can watch the scene I'm talking about but I suggest you watch the whole movie because it really deserves, even
the soundtrack is splendid.
Coraline an animated movie that also talks about a doll and is made of animated dolls with the stop motion
technique, I guess most people will have seen it, if you haven't, remedy it immediately! I talk about it HERE. I also made the doll inspired by this film HERE
Alice is a 1988 Czechoslovakian surrealist movie directed by Jan Švankmajer. Absolutely not to be missed, you learn many things by immersing
yourself in a truly surreal atmosphere, I thoroughly talked about it HERE.
Hugo Cabret Hugo Cabret by Scorsese because it is a fairy tale about cinema in which Hugo's relationship with his automaton is peculiar. It is a film full of
cinematic quotes and a tribute to Georges Méliès, French director, actor and illusionist, the 'father of special effects'. The setting also and the costumes are truly inspiring.
Carmelo Bene's Pinocchio not a movie but a theatrical show that has a television adaptation (you can also see it on HERE) The characters other than Pinocchio, who is played by Carmelo Bene himself, are played by the same actress who
changes her mask and whose movements are reminiscent of dolls or puppet theater.
Dolls by Takeshi Kitano, a movie about love, divided into three different stories of which the first, the main, opens with a Bunraku doll show, a type of Japanese theater. A poetic and harrowing story where
the two protagonists in love are linked by a red thread
according to the Chinese legend also widespread in Japan which tells that the soul mates are linked by the thread of destiny.
Tale of tales by Garrone based on the book of Giambattista Basile "Lo cunto de li cunti" to return to the origin of the most famous fairy tales and draw
inspiration from truly fairy-tale places, characters and costumes.
Fantastic Mr Fox for the same reasons as Coraline, it is a story of animals always taken from a book and directed by the great Wes Andreson, made with characters
created by artists and animated with the stop motion technique.
Il labirinto del fauno an intense story, you will not be able to hold back the tears. Here the imagination is the master. I have a soft spot for director Guillermo
del Toro and his imagination. Here the story is set in the period immediately following the Spanish civil war, the imaginary world that is proposed draws inspiration from the drawings of
Arthur Rackham. This is the initial monologue:
«The say that a long, long
time ago, in an underground kingdom, where there are no lies or pain, there lived a Princess who dreamt of the human world. She dreamt of the blue sky, the soft breeze and the brilliant
sun. One day, eluding her keepers, the Princess escaped. Once outside, the sunlight blinded her and erased every trace of the past from her memory. The princess forgot who she was, and
where she came from. Her body suffered cold, sickness and pain. After years passed, she died. However, her father, the King, always knew that the Princess' soul would return, perhaps in
another body, in another place, at another time. And he would wait for her, until he drew his last breath, until the world stopped turning...»
- The corpse bride, The nightmare before Christmas, Frankenweenie ecc. more or less all Tim Burton's movies for his imagination and to understand what it means to have his own style! But these I'm sure you've seen them before.

Scrivi commento
Katy Poenaru (venerdì, 24 gennaio 2020 14:28)
Thank you! Many wonderful movies to see! I'll do my best to catch up with all of them :)