Do you want to go on a Halloween trip? I propose 5 places in Italy to visit, some I would like to visit too because I haven't been there yet. Parties, museums, places that blend perfectly with the atmosphere of these days.
San Giovanni in Marignano, The night of the witches.
The night of the witches is an event that has been taking place for more than thirty years in the town of San Giovanni in Marignano in Emilia Romagna, with high-level theatrical performances and a magical atmosphere that combines tradition and innovation. It is said that Artemisia lived in this country. Known as the good witch of Valconca, she takes her name from the well-known blood-red plant.
Unfortunately, due to Covid virus, this year the city administration has decided to postpone the party to 2021, but mark the event, it's worth it. In the meantime, you can visit the site and dream!

Trioria, the land of the Witches
"The story is well known: in 1588 in Triora some women were accused of the worst crime conceivable at the time, that is, of being followers of the heretical sect of diabolical witches. It was thus that Franchetta Borelli and the other defendants ended up in the clutches of the Inquisitor and then of Commissioner Giulio Scribani, they found themselves worshipers of Satan. According to the judges they had given themselves to the Christian Devil, with soul and body, in exchange for his evil powers. Their fate was sealed forever, even if they were not condemned at the stake."
From the site of the ethnographic and witchcraft museum of the town of Trioria.
For a more historical approach to what has happened in many parts of Italy and beyond it is worth visiting this Ligurian village and the museum.

Borgo a Mozzano, Halloween Celebration
The Halloween Celebration in Borgo a Mozzano, a town in the province of Lucca, in Tuscany, combines the traditional American party with the legends and the atmosphere of the place. Unfortunately, this festival is also postponed to 2021 but in the meantime you can visit the suggestive Devil's bridge.
It was built by Catrucci Castracani, leader and lord of nearby Lucca, in the early 1300s, to cross the Serchio river and reach the enchanted places of Garfagnana.
Immediately the men in charge realized how difficult the construction of the bridge was: the more the days passed, the more the undertaking seemed impossible. The night before the scheduled delivery date, the devil appeared to the foreman who, afflicted and close to dishonor, was sitting and disconsolate on the river bank. The devil proposed him a pact: the bridge would be built that night, but in exchange Satan wanted the soul of whoever crossed it first. Desperate, the builder accepted. The very early morning next day, however, he went to confession, full of guilt. The priest had an idea: that morning no man would have crossed the bridge, but an old dog. The devil was mocked but threw himself into the river Serchio swearing revenge: even today, on foggy days, it is possible to see a dog crossing the bridge alone, while the water underneath ripples as if something had fallen into it. (from Tuscany website)

Parco dei mostri di Bomarzo
The fil rouge is magic, in this park populated by stone monsters. The Park of monsters, also called Sacro Bosco (Sacred Wood) or Villa delle Meraviglie (Villa of Wonders) in Bomarzo, in the province of Viterbo, is an Italian monumental complex. It is a natural park decorated with numerous basalt sculptures dating back to the 16th century and depicting mythological animals, gods and monsters. To learn more click HERE

Il cimitero delle Fontanelle, Napoli
A real catacomb where the skeletons of the dead of plague are found, it is a very suggestive place but suitable for the most daring and lovers of the uncanny.
My visit to the Fontanelle cemetery.
I hope you enjoyed this virtual journey dedicated to Halloween atmospheres!
In my etsy shop you will find some dolls dedicated to this theme.
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